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Pat Dryburgh

When I launched the DuckDuckGo Search Box Generator, I didn’t add any analytics as it felt counter to the spirit of the tool. The only way I know if someone’s used it is if they tell me and that’s happened less than a handful of times.

A little while ago, I received such an email from Kieran Hunt. Kieran was using the DDG Search Box Generator to build something for themself and was asking about the ability to search multiple sites. It seemed my instructions were not working. After a bit of digging, we came to realize that DuckDuckGo stopped supporting passing a comma-separated list of URLs to the sites input of the generated form.

Thankfully, Kieran was able to find a workaround using a little bit of JavaScript and was able to finish their very cool Recipe Search Engine.

It’s always cool when something you’ve created spurs the creation of others. Thanks to Kieran for creating something cool and sharing it with the world!

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The Steve Jobs Archive has just released Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words, a collection of speeches, interviews, and emails said to reveal “how he approached his life and work.” The book can be read for free in a custom online experience designed by Jony Ive’s creative studio, LoveFrom, or in your favourite e-reader.

As someone who occasionally finds himself down the Steve Jobs rabbit hole, this is right up my alley and I can’t wait to dive in.

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_DavidSmith’s PodSearch app is super cool! I was just trying to remember when John Siracusa most recently discussed Apple’s Migration Assistant on ATP and a quick PodSearch led me straight to 00:33:38 of Episode 485.

PodSearch isn’t as forgiving nor as extensive as a Google search, but Google doesn’t (yet?) have an index of podcast transcripts. While only a handful of podcasts are indexed on PodSearch (yet?), the utility of having full text search of a few of my favourite tech podcasts is proving to be really valuable.

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My brother Rob has started a video podcast! It’s called Creator Cups and is an interview series with creators.

The first three episodes are out and feature creative and branding photographer, Rob Anzit, motocross photographer, Kailey Moffat, and my childhood friend and guitarist from my first band back in high school, Mike Aitken.

I’m really proud of my brother for stepping out and trying to create something for the world. As both a military veteran and stay-at-home father, my brother has poured his heart and soul into serving his country and his family. A couple of years ago, Rob embarked on a two-year program at Fanshawe College studying photography and has been steadily growing his audience on Instagram, as well.1 As someone who has been a creator most of my life, I have been inspired by following the beginning of my brother’s own creative journey these last few years and witnessing him share his awesome talent and personality.

If you have a moment, please check out my brother’s work on Instagram and on YouTube. And let him know I sent ya!

  1. As of this writing, he is 4 Instagram followers away from 800. Why not be the ones to put him over the top

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Yesterday, I received an email from Vincent W. He discovered a song I co-wrote back “in the days of Audio Galaxy and Napster” but lost the MP3 when an old computer died. After years of searching in vain, he finally found a reference to the song’s title on my personal blog and emailed me to determine whether he’d finally found what he was looking for.

In an effort to make Vincent’s day, I present the world premier of the music video no one but Vincent was waiting for:

Jesse Spano is a Speed Freak!

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