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Pat Dryburgh

My brother Rob has started a video podcast! It’s called Creator Cups and is an interview series with creators.

The first three episodes are out and feature creative and branding photographer, Rob Anzit, motocross photographer, Kailey Moffat, and my childhood friend and guitarist from my first band back in high school, Mike Aitken.

I’m really proud of my brother for stepping out and trying to create something for the world. As both a military veteran and stay-at-home father, my brother has poured his heart and soul into serving his country and his family. A couple of years ago, Rob embarked on a two-year program at Fanshawe College studying photography and has been steadily growing his audience on Instagram, as well.1 As someone who has been a creator most of my life, I have been inspired by following the beginning of my brother’s own creative journey these last few years and witnessing him share his awesome talent and personality.

If you have a moment, please check out my brother’s work on Instagram and on YouTube. And let him know I sent ya!

  1. As of this writing, he is 4 Instagram followers away from 800. Why not be the ones to put him over the top

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