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Pat Dryburgh

When I launched the DuckDuckGo Search Box Generator, I didn’t add any analytics as it felt counter to the spirit of the tool. The only way I know if someone’s used it is if they tell me and that’s happened less than a handful of times.

A little while ago, I received such an email from Kieran Hunt. Kieran was using the DDG Search Box Generator to build something for themself and was asking about the ability to search multiple sites. It seemed my instructions were not working. After a bit of digging, we came to realize that DuckDuckGo stopped supporting passing a comma-separated list of URLs to the sites input of the generated form.

Thankfully, Kieran was able to find a workaround using a little bit of JavaScript and was able to finish their very cool Recipe Search Engine.

It’s always cool when something you’ve created spurs the creation of others. Thanks to Kieran for creating something cool and sharing it with the world!

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