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Pat Dryburgh

We’re driving home from Dorchester right now. That’s so weird to say, as Dorchester has been my home for nearly 20 years, however now with me at school, I can now say that I am a resident of Kitchener. I suppose, however, that my heart will always be in Dorchester.

I just did a show at a coffeehouse. I was accompanied by my friend and yours, Mr. Tyler Martin on djambe. The show was great, so much talent coming from that little small town I grew up in. I have been so blessed to have a place where I can really grow my talents and showcase not only my music skills, but more-so my love for God.

The show had some great highlights. Sharon Bee had a great voice, accompanied by Jake something-or-other on guitar. They sounded great. Later on were a couple skits by James Cox and Brandon Cameron. They were priceless. Derek Drover, a singer/songwriter from Dorchester (also a youth pastor in Dorchester now) played a couple of great original songs that I loved. Sounded a bit like Bart Millard of Mercy Me. A personal favourite of mine, Todd Donald, did a couple of great songs he has written. Todd came up from Kitchener with us, and I had the great privilege of playing tambourine and singing back up vocals for his first song. It was fantastic.

My set with Tyler was great. We did “Catch Me” and “All I Need,” incidentally the two songs that are currently being played on the radio in Kansas! The crowd response was great, and it was great to rock out with the full Pat Dryburgh Band in attendance. Now, if only we can do a gig where all three of us play…

Thanks and props go out to Maria and Gord Hardcastle, as well as Charleanne their daughter, for putting on such a fantastic event. It was great to sit back with friends enjoying the amazing gifts that God has given all of us, as well as sharing the great things God is doing in our personal lives. Till next time Dorchester.

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Wow. what a night! Last night was great. I played at EBC, debuting several of the songs I’ve been working on over the last couple of years. I think people enjoyed it! To read more about the concert and it’s happenings, click here.

Also, some good news! My website, where you can download “All I Need” for free, has just recently hit 1000 hits! Click on the image to see the total as of today…

Thanks for all who have supported me over the last year. You are truly a blessing! God bless!

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Well, now that that’s over…

What a night! First, I have to say, Ryan, my roommate, you are hilarious! Ryan did a short stand up comedy bit, and it was great! Three cheers! There were lots of other acts as well last night, including Sketch and his story telling, Corrie Kessler singing/playing piano, and, who can forget the mannequin song? All the acts were totally awesome! Kudos!

As for my set, this was probably the most nerve-racking show I’ve ever done. It was the first time I have ever played almost all of the songs I played. In fact, the only song I had ever done before another group of people is “All I Need,” which obviously I’ve been playing for over a year now.

This show was interesting because it was just me and my guitar. It left my very open, very vulnerable. The first couple of songs I was a little uptight, but as I started talking to the crowd and really getting into it, I stopped worrying about what the people were thinking about the songs, and just focusing on singing my heart out. By the end of it, people were getting into it and singing along, which is always a great feeling!

So, now that that first show is out of the way, I’m really looking forward to the rest of this year. For those who were there last night, unfortunately I didn’t get any of the show recorded. So, I guess I’ll just have to wait until next time! Thanks very much for coming out and supporting me. It meant a lot!

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