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Pat Dryburgh

So I agreed to play at North Park this weekend, even though I generally like a lot more notice than I was given. They were in a bind so I agreed to help out.

They sent the list of songs and mp3’s for a couple of them. However, one of the songs really caught me off guard. It’s a song called “We Are Hungry.” I sat listening to this song, thinking about how I had just eaten two slices of pizza and a bowl of frozen yogourt (it’s my free day today!). I also thought about how I can prepare food days in advance, thanks to the technology we in North America have. I then thought about the billions of people who do not have the luxuries that we in North America have, and wondered what they would think if they saw us driving in our SUV’s to a multi-million dollar building, singing along to amplified rock music “We Are Hungry!”

And materialism aside, the rest of the song makes me question something else even more. “Lord I want more of you / Living water rain down on me / Lord I need more of you / Living breath of life come fill me up.” Again, really? We feel like we need more of God? Don’t we already pretty much have a monopoly on him? We claim that our way is the right way, and that he is our God. Evangelicals are even worse, claiming that even those within our own camp don’t have it right. And all while we hold tight to this “commodiety,” (Trademark!), we still claim we want more? How is it that we’ve turned spirituality into a corporate takeover? We’re like big oil wrapped in scarlet.

When does this hostile takeover of God end? When do Christians begin to “give freely”?

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