In April of 2012, I packed my things and moved across the continent to work with an awesome team of people to create Perch, an always-on video communication service. Through a series of experiments and design iterations, what started as a simple hands-free tool for capturing and sending asynchronous video messages turned into a real-time hands-free communication platform which connecting teams of people wherever they are.
Unlike most mobile or desktop applications, Perch is intended to be used with as little physical interaction as possible. Rather than using a button to connect to someone, Perch uses simple algorithms to connect two spaces together. Rather than tapping another button to unmute the microphone, Perch detects the user’s face looking directly at the device and uses that to trigger the mic. All of this was done to make communicating between two spaces as simple and as fluid as popping your head over the cubicle wall.
In my role as Sr. User Experience Designer, I was responsible for leading the creative direction of the brand, sketching and wireframing the user experience, and designing the user interface and marketing materials.

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