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Pat Dryburgh


That’s about the only word I can use to describe this past weekend. In a span of 36 hours, we went from having no equipment to successfully producing two Sunday morning services with video! A great big “kudos” to all of the volunteers who served this weekend, from those who came at 5:30 on Saturday and Sunday morning to those who helped with hosting and family ministries during the services, and those who stayed behind and helped tear down. It was an incredible display of people following a vision and a mission, sacrificially giving their time and talents to help produce irresistible environments for their friends.

As for the music team, even without a mid-week rehearsal or time before the first service to try the songs out, they were able to pull together a great set. We did three songs this week: Your Grace Is Enough (Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin), I Am Free (Jon Egan, Peter Furler), and All We Need (Charlie Hall). I have to admit that they weren’t the most seamless in terms of transitions from song to song, however our team really pulled together and were able to play the songs close to flawlessly, which was a great win! The people in the congregation really appreciated, I think, having the opportunity to worship once again with our music team, and to know that they will feel comfortable bringing their friends to hear the music.

I’m trying to map out my next few days, and here’s what I’ve got lined up:

  • Putting the finishing touches on our new rehearsal space. We’ve just got to hand in the permits and the check and we’re good to go!
  • Selecting songs for December. Each worship leader does this for the services they are leading, and I have to select for the 4 services I am leading this coming month.
  • Figure out how I’m going to do auditions in rented space.
  • Continue to update our Planning Center account.
  • Put together a Christmas wish-list for my mother.
  • Help plan my girlfriend’s move to Barrie! She is moving here in mid-December.

So, a busy few days, but hopefully I will get a good jump on everything tomorrow.

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