I became a fan of Rdio some time ago. I liked that I could easily see what my friends were listening to, and could listen to an album on-the-go without having to download it to my iPhone.
I started using Rdio in a site-specific browser. I had created an icon in the same vein as the Grooveshark icon I was using. Shortly after designing the icon, I decided to uninstall flash, rendering my Rdio browser useless. The icon I designed was never released.
When Rdio came out with a new Mac app that didn’t require Flash, I was really excited to for it to become a staple in my dock. What I wasn’t prepared for was the rather boring icon.
So, I dusted off the old icon I had made for the site-specific browser, and replaced that boring old square. I’ve had it there a few weeks now, and have been really happy with it. Then today I thought, maybe others might like the same thing?
So, here it is, available for you to download. I hope you enjoy!
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