I like to think that, in at least a few cases, I add value to peoples’ lives. Through a helping hand, a word of encouragement, or simply by simply being present, I hope that I have had an impact on someone’s life at some point.
Over the past few weeks I’ve had a number of experiences where people have had a really positive impact on my life, and I wanted to take a minute to offer my thanks to those people publicly.
Richard Dew - Aside from all of the amazing work he is doing in Haiti, Richard has really challenged me as a friend and a professional over the past week. We get out for lunch often, and during this time we talk about life, work, and everything in between. Richard has been very encouraging as I make some big decisions over the next while, and I definitely value counting him as a friend.
Chris Bowler - Chris is simply an amazing guy. Besides the work that Chris sends my way through Fusion (as well as offering me a spot on the publishers list), Chris has been there to offer words of encouragement through some trying times in my life recently.
Darren Hoyt - Darren is a designer I admire and respect deeply. Just today, Darren passed on some incredibly kind words, as well as some possible exciting work! His support in real, tangible ways has not gone unnoticed, and I am full of gratitude for it.
Jonathan Christopher - Jonathan Christopher has been my go-to guy for learning a new WordPress plugin, Pods. Having learned what I’ve learned over the past week from Jonathan, I can definitely see Pods revolutionizing how I build websites with WordPress, saving me countless hours and headaches. Through his blog series on Pods, to Twitter and chat, Jonathan has offered advice and tips for working with this incredible setup, and has really helped me out.
Kyle Baxter - Again, another guy who has simply offered kind words of encouragement when I needed it, and with whom I am devising a pretty awesome project.
Phil Coffman - I am working on a new site at the moment (separate from this blog, I promise), and sent the preview site to a few friends whose opinion I respect. A lot of them offered some great tips and thoughts, but Phil went above and beyond and really critiqued each design decision I made. His input was both helpful and respectful.
Just a few of the people who have had a really positive impact on my life lately. Maybe you’ll share some of yours?
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