There are a lot of blogs out there these days. There are also a lot of Christian ones. Over to the right you’ll see a list of blogs that I read regularly. Some are good friends, others are leaders I respect but have not yet personally met. Some are about worship, others are about general leadership. Some are about media and others about how we are communicating relevantly to our culture.
I titled my blog “Journeys of a Rookie Worship Pastor” because, well, that’s what I am. For the last 8+ months I have been on this incredible journey that most 22 year olds would not have the opportunity to be on. I have learned a lot, and have grown a lot. I have made amazing friends and have enjoyed the community I am a part of. When I started blogging I wasn’t entirely sure how personal I should make it or what aspects of my job an/or life I should focus on. I thought I may offer some tips to help other young worship leaders, or just share my thoughts as I wrestle through common struggles that I think worship pastors of all ages and levels of experience face.
I guess all in all I want this blog to be useful. It’d be great if people could google something like “worship pastor help,” and find a blog full of helpful tips and hints. So, in the next few weeks in whatever spare time I have (spare what-now?) I will try to focus on how to help the general worship pastor community with how to communicate the gospel to our culture.
What questions do you have? Who do you admire as a successful worship pastor? What lessons have you learned along the way?
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