As of October 31, I will no longer be employed by Trinity Community Church. The last seven months have been amazing, as I have grown both as a worship leader and as the leader of a music ministry. I have made mistakes, I have had victories, I have hurt, I have rejoiced, and through the whole experience I have grown.
However, the leadership of Trinity Community Church has taken a huge step towards our vision for multi-site. Almost all of the staff at this point have handed in their resignations, including our lead pastor Carey Nieuwhof and our Executive Director of Service Programming Patrick Voo. As of October 31 they will be leaving the denomination to lead a new church called Connexus Community Church, a church for people who don’t go to church. We will be entirely outsider-focused, creating environments where people can safely and comfortably explore who Jesus is and what his call is on our lives.
I am joining this new venture with faith that God is in total control, and that his heart is for those who don’t know him. I move ahead not necessarily knowing what the future holds, but trusting that God is totally in control, and that we are in his hands.
Until October 31, I will be focusing in two things. The first is that I will continue to wholeheartedly serve the congregation of Trinity. I am not letting up. Trinity is still my home, and where God has called me. Our mission here is still the same. We want to still strive for excellence in what we do. The second thing I will be focusing on is building the music ministry of Connexus Community Church. This will happen for the most part outside of the 40 hours a week I put in at Trinity. We want to launch December 2nd with a fantastic team, and I am looking forward to looking for ways we can move forward in the music that we do in each of our environments.
If you would like to learn more about Connexus, please check out and subscribe to our blog there.
I’ll be keeping updates regularly here at as well.
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