This past Saturday morning I woke up with a lot to do on my to-do list. I had to renew my license plates and license. I had to drive back to London to pick up my girlfriend and get some nice clothes on, and then go to the Dearness Home for Sara’s grandmother’s birthday.
And then Sara asked for her puffer…
Sara had spent the night on Thursday night, and because of my family cat brings a puffer to help with her allergies. Whenever Sara asks for her puffer, I take it pretty seriously because of an episode two Christmases ago where we ended up at the hospital.
We drove back to Dorchester to pick up her puffer. I left the car running as we went inside, as I knew we were in a rush to get back to London. I stepped through the front door, and knew something was wrong…
There were 20 people at my house.
People from as far away as Orillia.
20 of my friends.
Surprising me for my birthday.
I was totally shocked. It took me a minute to get my bearings, at which point I realized that everything leading up to this moment had been planned just right for this very moment.
Sara had planned a surprise birthday party.
It was an incredible time. I saw friends from Barrie, Orillia, Kitchener (where I went to school) and London. It was a real blast hanging out with everyone and simply sharing in an amazing moment.
On Saturday I realized how amazing blessed I am. I have some incredible friends whose lives have intersected mine at various points in my life, and I am so grateful for every one of them.
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