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Pat Dryburgh

I’m sitting listening to “The Almost,” trying to get my office cleaned up for the last day. I have a feeling it’s going to continue to transform into a storage closet (as it’s been for the last 4 months) but I figured I’d at least clear room for some more stuff!

It’s tough to describe the feeling right now amongst the leadership team. It’s a mix of gratefulness, of slight sadness that we are, indeed, moving on, of excitement for what’s to come, and a bit of anxiousness for the next week. We all have a lot of work ahead of us, and we will need all our volunteers to be engaged.

I am excited because as a young leader, I am experiencing something that most 22 year old worship leaders will never experience. We are embarking on something unprecedented in this area, even this country. There have been church splits, and there have been churches that have left denominations, but in some way our story is much, much different. We are leaving not because of theological differences, or because of a fallout in leadership. We are leaving to follow a vision. We are leaving to follow Jesus into cities he loves. And I cannot begin to describe how exciting this path looks from our vantage point!

I will be sure to blog more often about the changes that are happening, as well as what I learn about developing a music strategy for multi-site. I know there are many out there who have done it, but as my blog title says, I’m still a rookie.

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