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Pat Dryburgh

One of my goals before moving my blog over to Tumblr was to increase the level of personal content that I was posting. While I enjoy posting my thoughts on technology, business, strategy, music, and more, I also want to share different aspects of my life with others.

A while ago I noticed a few people who were using their iPhones to take and edit pictures, and uploading them to Tumblr. I realized that no matter where I was, I could take a quick snapshot of what I’m up to, do a quick edit, and post it to Tumblr immediately using the Tumblr iPhone app [iTunes link].

The same could be done with the WordPress app, however the process isn’t nearly as seamless. With the Tumblr app, I take a picture, save it, click to post a photo, enter a description, and Tumblr takes care of the rest. I have even seen it post photos quicker to Tumblr than the Facebook app takes to post a simple status update (I’ve had it take over a minute… brutal).

That this whole Tumblr system is so seamless, so well thought out, really makes it hard to argue against using a hosted solution for blogging. Aside from some minor potential security issues (which really are likely dealt with more thoroughly than on a self-hosted blog), there really seem to be few downsides that I’ve experienced as a Tumblr user.

Aside from full-fledged client websites, I can’t see myself going back to a self-hosted solution anytime soon.

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